Who Am I?

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Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet! My name is Alexandra Lean and I am a writer and devoted lover of all things imaginary. I live with Depression and Anxiety (just like everyone else) which have ruled my existence for as long as I can remember.  I do my best to appease this aspect of self. But shed no tears for me just yet because the unwarranted pain, grief and sadness has a way of leading to magic or music or at the very least dumb jokes.

I must admit that my dreams, like old companions, have walked a rocky road with me. Some have faded, others crushed under the weight of life’s challenges. Yet, I stand here before you, alive and breathing, with a pen still in hand, as long as there is breath in my lungs, I find solace and escape in the realm of fantasy. Though the harsh winds of reality may have blown away the luster of some dreams, a glimmer of hope, however false or delusional it may seem, still lingers, keeping the embers of my passion alive. I hold onto that hope, as tattered as it may seem, that someday, somehow, my writing will find its deserving audience.

Despite the setbacks and the haunting shadow of self-doubt, I find solace in the value I place on the words I pen. My creations, my stories, and my characters have become my greatest treasures, more precious to me than my own self. And so, I’ve embarked on a blog post series entitled Rest In Pieces, where I bid a metaphorical farewell to the dreams of yesteryears, acknowledging their passing and embracing the lessons they’ve left behind.

Through the years, I’ve discovered various ways to give life to the inspirations that find their way to me. Writing musicals has been one of my greatest joys, and though I grappled with insecurities, I managed to bring a couple of them to life on stage. I produced, directed, and even found the courage to stumble through the dark as I gave life to my creations. With every step, I felt a benevolent Muse guiding me, whispering ideas, jokes, lyrics, melodies, and stories into my ears. It felt like I was taking dictation from an ethereal source, each creative endeavor bringing new sparks of inspiration.

My journey continues, and now, the Muse has led me towards embracing virtual creativity in new and exciting ways. I invite you to follow along on this ever-evolving journey, to witness the ups and downs, the triumphs and challenges, and to join me as I keep creating, no matter what. Let’s find solace in the smallest of creative endeavors and let our souls be at ease, knowing that the passion within us is worth nurturing and sharing with the world.

Thank you for joining me, and I hope my words resonate with your own creative spirit.

And here comes the part where I could use your assistance. Should you find resonance in my words and work, I humbly invite you to contribute to my cause. Your support will be deeply appreciated, allowing me to continue weaving stories and nurturing my creative journey. Go here: https://ko-fi.com/alexandralean/goal?g=10 

With warmest regards, Alexandra Lean – The Virtual PlaywrightThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 352281101_1008512766730819_5285778863022821315_n.png

  • A graduate of Brock University’s Theatre program, she received the ‘F. Janet Doleman Prize in Playwriting’.
  • 2 Toronto Fringe Festivals as playwright, composer, producer
  • 2013 a musical I wrote called Nobody’s Idol – Randolph Theatre as part of Toronto Fringe
  • 2019 a musical she co-wrote, produced and directed called Ghosted: The Musical.
  • wrote and self-prodcued 3 staged reading of other projects including 2 musicals and 1 play.
  • Astronaut 

Things I wrote that have either never left the comfort of anonymity or set one foot out and retreated in fear:

I will explain the above brainchildren in more detail in my Rest in Pieces blog post series so keep reading or start.

Lately, I’ve been creative writing and posting short stories.  This is in an effort to write creatively as often as possible.  Just cause.